Dual monitor (or more) adobe flash fullscreen internet explorer moving the mouse

Flash annoys the heck of me when I’m using it on dual or more monitors with hulu fullscreen or such.. anyway i patched it to stop the mouse moving problem


changes again for

4/17/2010  10:28       3,981,080  Flash10e.ocx


This is for version

1/09/2010  13:12  3,982,240  flash10d.ocx this file generally lives in %windir\system32\macromed\flash\ YMMV

Changes are :-

                 changed       <=   original

Offset               Hex ASCII       Hex   ASCII
0x14135F          0x90   É         0x0F   .
0x141360          0x90   É         0x84   ä
0x141361          0x90   É         0x85   à
0x141362          0x90   É         0x00   .
0x141363          0x90   É         0x00   .
0x141364          0x90   É         0x00   .

I had to run the windows recovery console to replace the file,  inuse.exe didn’t work. I tried it on windows XP.

Basically i just NOP’d out the test 0x90 is NOP, 0x0f 0x84 0x850x00 0x00 0x00 is a jz (jump zero)


I didn’t really test it much more than loading hulu, switching to full screen and clicking around the other monitors. Interestingly it’ll stay in fullscreen mode if you change tabs and stays in the window, you can even move IE to a different monitor and it’ll stay in fullscreen, for you that might not work, but its better than I’d hoped for ! 🙂 pressing ESC key will return it back to normal, after you’ve returned focus to the fullscreen flash.

click to expand in a new window



For firefox type people i found a similar patch http://my.opera.com/d.i.z./blog/2009/04/22/watch-fullscreen-flash-while-working-on-another-screen

Here’s the latest version of flash patch

1/26/2010  16:58       3,981,080  Flash10e.ocx, change highlighted area to 90 90 90 90 90 90
