Hyundai Genesis, December pictures


I spent most of December hacking away on the Genesis ECU, did pretty well with it, its turned over to the dyno and mechanical guys now ! My stupid iPhone failed miserably at retaining the pictures I took, seem its falls apart if you take too many.


I spent a lot of time in the Hotel, gave me an opportunity to work on the OBD II reflash code. Considering it looked like this outside, a good thing!


A few days before the snow



My car getting a few mods.



Setting up a ram tracer



Messing about with the scooby ecu’s, I threw together a little board to flash them.

Test ‘jig’

IMG_1112 \


This is one of the three or four boxes of Toyota ECU’s I have.



I came across tmbinc’s bgrep and modified it a bit to run natively under windows (rather than cygwin), the recurse directory code is just from msdn, I didn’t spent a lot of time with it. Binary grep is very useful, i keep meaning to write one. i didn’t test the stdin.

// Written in April 2009 by Felix Domke <>
// Placed in the public domain April 2009 by the author: no copyright is
// claimed, and you may use it for any purpose you like.
// No warranty for any purpose is expressed or implied by the author.
// Report bugs and send enhancements to the author.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int ascii2hex(char c)
    if (c < ‘0’)
        return -1;
    else if (c <= ‘9’)
        return c – ‘0’;
    else if (c < ‘A’)
        return -1;
    else if (c <= ‘F’)
        return c – ‘A’ + 10;
    else if (c < ‘a’)
        return -1;
    else if (c <= ‘f’)
        return c – ‘a’ + 10;
        return -1;

void searchfile(const char *filename, FILE*fd, const unsigned char *value, const unsigned char *mask, int len)
    int o, i;
    off_t offset = 0;
    unsigned char buf[1024];

    if(fd == NULL)  return;

    while (1)
        int r;

        memcpy(buf, buf + len, len);
        r = fread(buf + len, 1,1024 – len,fd);

        if (r < 0)
        } else if (!r)
        for (o = offset ? len : 0; o < r – len + 1; ++o)
            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                if ((buf[o + i] & mask[i]) != value[i])
            if (i == len)
                printf("%s: 0x%08llx\n", filename, (unsigned long long)(offset + o – len));
        offset += r;

void recurse(const char *path, const unsigned char *value, const unsigned char *mask, int len)
    BOOL            fFinished;
    HANDLE          hList;
    TCHAR           szDir[MAX_PATH+1];
    TCHAR           szSubDir[MAX_PATH+1];
    WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData;

    // Get the proper directory path
    sprintf(szDir, "%s\\*", path);

    // Get the first file
    hList = FindFirstFile(szDir, &FileData);
    if (hList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        printf("No files found\n\n");
        // Traverse through the directory structure
        fFinished = FALSE;
        while (!fFinished)
            // Check the object is a directory or not
            if (FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                if ((strcmp(FileData.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(FileData.cFileName, "..") != 0))

                    // Get the full path for sub directory
                    sprintf(szSubDir, "%s\\%s", path,FileData.cFileName);


                sprintf(szSubDir, "%s\\%s", path,FileData.cFileName);
                fd = fopen(szSubDir,"rb");

                    searchfile(szSubDir, fd, value, mask, len);

                   printf("%s\n", szSubDir);

            if (!FindNextFile(hList, &FileData))
                if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
                    fFinished = TRUE;


int main(int argc, char **argv)
    unsigned char value[0x100], mask[0x100];
    int len = 0;
    if (argc < 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <hex> [<path> […]]\n<hex> = FFFF, FF or FF??. F, or F?F unsupported, ?? = wildcard\n", *argv);
        return 1;
    h = argv[1];
    while (*h && h[1] && len < 0x100)
        if (h[0] == ‘?’ && h[1] == ‘?’)
            value[len] = mask[len] = 0;
            h += 2;
        } else
            int v0 = ascii2hex(*h++);
            int v1 = ascii2hex(*h++);
            if ((v0 == -1) || (v1 == -1))
                fprintf(stderr, "invalid hex string!\n");
                return 2;
            value[len] = (v0 << 4) | v1; mask[len++] = 0xFF;
    if (!len || *h)
        fprintf(stderr, "invalid/empty search string\n");
        return 2;
    if (argc < 3) {
        searchfile("stdin", 0, value, mask, len);
    } else
        int c = 2;
        while (c < argc)
            recurse(argv[c++], value, mask, len);

    return 0;

2 thoughts on “Hyundai Genesis, December pictures

  1. Charliex2,

    Saw your blog on hacking the genesis coupe ecu. How far are you from being able to read and write to the ecu. We’re interesting in a tuning solution for the genesis coupe 2.0T via flash. Let me know if you have any more information regarding the genesis ecu.


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